Dear Friend,
Whatever reason might have brought you on this website, but one thing is certain that God has a plan and purpose in your life. You are not by chance or accidentally on this earth, you have been sent forth by God almighty with a special task. You are precious to God and He loves you so much, that’s why he has created you in His own image. You can’t find God’s purpose and plan in your life in yourself, or in other people, or in the things of this world. God has made that plan for you and that can only be found in God alone.
Even before you were born God has a plan for you, plan to bless you, give you success, prosperity and abundant life. Satan has planned to destroy mankind but Jesus has come to destroy the works of devil and give us life and life more abundantly. God never wants us to be in sin, sickness, and in sorrows. In His plan we have forgiveness, freedom, and His favor. We are here to help you to find and fulfill God’s purpose in your life and we pray that you may feel at home at Bethlehem Punjabi Church. Accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and let him fulfill His plan in your life. May God bless you as you continue to browse through our web site.
Christ’s Servant,
Pastor Jatinder P. Gill